Thank you Abhishek for contacting us. We are glad to hear that you family has recovered well. Your son's symptoms are most not because of COVID currently. This is also an pollen allergy season for us. Does he have any of following symptoms? Itching in eyes and nose, watering of eyes, any redness in eyes when he wakes up, sneezing episodes in the morning when he wakes up. Does he take any medication currently? Is he a healthy boy otherwise?
Thank you Abhishek for contacting us. We are glad to hear that you family has recovered well. Your son's symptoms are most not because of COVID currently. This is also an pollen allergy season for us. Does he have any of following symptoms? Itching in eyes and nose, watering of eyes, any redness in eyes when he wakes up, sneezing episodes in the morning when he wakes up. Does he take any medication currently? Is he a healthy boy otherwise?